Monday, June 14, 2010

Yeah...I think it's time for an update

I didn't realize quite how long it had been since I'd been on here. Although the only people that read this can see my info on facebook so I guess you all know what's been up. But just in case...

I was pregnant and had another baby girl. Abigail Sophia Green was born almost 3 weeks ago on 5-26. She's doing well and eats like there is no tomorrow. Naomi is slowly warming up and does as well as can be expected. I'm a walking zombie but that was to be expected too. We'll see how I do when I go back to work in 2 weeks. :/

Anyway, that's really the only big thing...I'll post new pics and try to keep up on this a little better.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

15 short months ago....

...Naomi was only this big:

Look at my big girl now!:

I can't believe how big she is getting. She can understand everything you say and is getting much better at listening to mommy and daddy. She can say: mama, daddy, gramma, no and attempts almost everything else. She is really good at pointing to let us know what she wants. And she is such a good helper. She loves helping mommy do the laundry and dishes. And she'll help clean her toys too. She also loves playing with her cousin Ryan now that he lives closer to us. She loves going outside and seeing the ducks and playing in the park. She also just learned to get off the couch or bed or whatever she's on going "feet first!" as we always tell her. She's so proud of herself when she does that! She's just getting SO big!!!! I can't believe it!!! I wish (just like I'm sure every other mom wishes) that I could keep her this size forever.

Now if I could only get her completely weened from the bottle and sleeping through the night every night. Although I must admit it's better now that she only gets one nap a day.

Congratulations baby girl!!! Momma loves her baby girl so much!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

14 months...

I can't believe it, but Naomi is 14 months old today! Where on earth has all the time gone? It doesn't seem that long ago that I brought her home. She is such a sweetheart. And I can't imagine life without her now. She has grown up so much...she definitely has her own personality. She will be her own boss when she gets older because she won't take crap from anyone. It's her way or the least when she's upset. She's gone from laying, to sitting, sitting to rolling, rolling to crawling and most recently crawling to running! That's right, no walking in there. She's running now! Its hard to keep up with her, as most of you parents probably already know when your child started walking. She doesn't talk much yet, but she still points at whatever she wants. She knows Jesus and the temple and the clock and can find them in any room. I took her to the Oquirrh(sp?) Mtn Temple open house this past week and she pointed out every picture of Jesus in there. She's also got 7 1/2 teeth. Her second molar is just starting to pop through. So she'll eat just about anything she can get her hands on, especially cheese, fruit and PB&J sandwiches. She LOVES to dance! And she gives hugs and kisses now! Although you better keep your mouth closed for the kisses or you'll get frenched!

Anyway, I just took a few pictures. None of them she's smiling cause she's been up for 2 hours now (since 5:45 this morning) and she's getting cranky. And I'm sorry the lighting is bad but here you go....

This last one is her hand as she took the camera away....

The next adventures...getting her completely off the bottle and binkie....oh fun!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Put one foot in front of the other

Naomi did it! She walked for the first time today. She took her first step a little over a month ago at my parents and then has done nothing since. But this morning I saw her shuffle her left foot about an inch. And then she did it twice in a row tonight. But Ed didn't see it. So i tried to set it up so he could see it. I stood her up and made sure she was balanced and then I let go and told her to come to me and she actually did! She took 5 steps! And she has done it about 6 times now. This video is the 3rd time I think. 10 whole steps in the filmed one! It was just on my phone so excuse the poor quality. And watch out on your sound...I get a little loud when I'm excited. ;-)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Hope everyone had a fabulous Easter! We enjoyed a wonderful day. I taught my primary kids all about Emma Smith and the first Hymnbook and then we had a wonderful choir program in Sacrament. Tonight we went over to Ed's mom's house and enjoyed a nice dinner with family and then an Easter Egg hunt for the kids. Naomi loved how mommy and daddy let her pick up shinny things off the ground. ;-) She also liked sharing them with Grandma! Here are a few pictures...

With Mommy after church...

With Daddy after church...

All of us after church...

Getting my shoes on to go egg hunting...

My First Easter Egg!!!...

Ooo, a pink one!....

Another pink one...

Sharing with Grandma...


My basket of eggs. I got 7 of them...

Ok, so we just thought this was kind of funny. My little nephew wanted to follow the other older cousins downstairs so he tried to slip under the gate and luckily his head was big enough to stop him... He wasn't hurt, just stuck. He did it probably 3 different times in the 3 hours we were there.

And we thought this was funny. It's hard to see but the car on the far right out the front was stopped at the light straddling the line. Kind of like the were going to turn but changed their mind. But when the light turned green, they just drove on still straddling the line for at least a good mile. And it wasn't even an old person.

Anyway... that was our day. Hope you had a good one as well. And thank you Ed for being the camara man!